is a young country with rich past offering a great variety
of attractions to its visitors, comparatively more than any
other Asian country. ft has been attracting, from times immemorial,
traders and travellers, saints and scholars, adventurers and
invaders from all walks of life and from all over the world.
the ages Pakistan has been the cradle of some of the greatest
civilizations the world has known, beginning with the prehistoric
fndus Valley Civilizations, about four thousand five hundred
years ago. For the present day visitors Pakistan spreads out
a vast landscape of 7,96,095 sq.km.full of amazing richness
and variety.
offers to its visitors a blend of centuries old civilizations,
unspoilt natural beauty, world famous mountain ranges of Karakorams,
Hindu Kush and Himalayas with world renowned highest peaks
like K-2 and the toughest and rocky like Nanga Parhat, fertile
valleys like Kaghan, Swat, Gilgit, Hunza and Chitral, green
fields, golf courses, biggest dams like Tarbela - rushing
streams and waterfalls - sweet water lakes like Haliji, Keenjhar
and Manchar full of kvaterhirds and fish. There are several
alpine lakes such as I(atchura, Satpara, Saiful Maluk at heights
varying from 5300m to 6500m full Rainbow Trout amid snowclad
mountains. Biggest salt range with unique salt mines peculiar
archaeological sites like Moenjodaro, Taxila and Harappa -grand
historical Mughal monuments such as Badshahi mosque, Shalimar
Garden, Lahore fort and historic Khyber pass - hundreds of
miles long sunny, sandy and rocky beaches - old cities and
bazars full of amusement and a variety of fresh fruits and
vegetables. Besides, one could enjoy in Pakistan good angling,
deep-sea fishing, shooting, hunting, excellent cricket, hockey,
tennis, golf, squash, swimming, riding, mountaineering and
trekking. In fact, Pakistan offet-s such a variety of tourist
attractions that it could cater to a very large variety of
tourist interests.
of Pakistan would not be complete without indicating geographical
features of the Countiy which is divided into 5 regions. (i)
Mountains region including the Karakorams, the Hindu Kush
and the Western off shoots of the Himalyas covering northern
and north western parts. (ii) The Pothwar Plateau and Salt
range. (iii) The Indus plain, the most fertile and densely
populated area of the country (iv) The desert zone comprising
ThaI, Choolistan and Thai- and (v) The Baluchistan Plateau.
a sense, Pakistan stands astride the mighty river Indus which
rises in Tibet, flows through the Karakorams range, Gilgi
t, Swat and Kohistan through the great gorge at Attock and
so enters the Punjab plain. It is now joined by other rivers,
the Jhelum, the Chenab, the Ravi and the Sutlej - proceeds
southwards through Sindh and finally pours its waters into
the Arabian Sea.
the North, beneath the towering peaks of the Himalayas, the
Karakorams and the Hindu Kush, the land wears a majestic aspect
with treeclad slopes and valleys of captivating beauty. It
is rich in wild life, small and big game abounding with tumbling
streams well stocked with Trout and that doughty fighter,
the Mahseer. It is fertile too, growing sugar-cane, tobacco,
cotton, i-ice and wheat. To have travelled in Swat, Gilgit
and Hunza upto Khunjrab top is an unforgettable experience
in a countryside as beautiful as it is historic.
south, in the vale of Peshawar, the scene possesses not quite
the same mighty grandeur, but a gentler beauty. Here, too,
nature is prolific with its immense variety of fruit - oranges,
peaches, apricots, almonds - as well as wheat, rice and tobacco.
plains of the Punjab, Bahawalpur and Sindh are watered by
the Indus and its tributaries by means of a vast irrigation
system which is known as the largest in the world. The fertile
soil produces fine cotton and rice, wheaC maize, tobacco,
and sugar-cane, providing occupation and livelihood for eighty
five percent of the population of the country.
of the area in Baluchistan is arid and looks like a desert.
There are, however, many valleys which are very fertile and
produce, fine fruits in such an abundance that Quetta is known
as the fruit orchard of Pakistan.
the coast of the Arabian Sea, a considerable fishing industry
is carried on, yielding a fine harvest of edible fish, shell-fish
highly esteemed in the western countries and exported there
in frozen form, as well as non-edible fish yielding vitamin-rich
oils, fish-meal and fertilizer.
is the national language of the country but English is extensively
used in all official and commercial circles, fairly widely
in hotels, railway stations and large stores. English is also
used as the medium of instruction for higher education. There
are a few regional languages as well which are spoken in various
parts of the country such as Punjabi, Pushto, Seraiki, Sindhi
and Baluchi etc